Allie's Story
How it all began...
I started Allie's (back then we were called Bluepress Juice) at Marrickville Markets back in 2014. It was my first day trading at a market and I was selling cold-pressed juices which were all but unheard of in Australia at the time.
Worst still, it had the word "cold" in the name and it was a miserable winter's day. I wasn't optimistic that anyone would buy any and probably embarrassed myself trying to put up a gazebo for the first time in the pouring rain.

The biggest win of the day
Much to my surprise, the sun came out that morning, lots of people showed up and I sold out within hours!
The highlight of the day wasn't the juice sales but instead was meeting the man in the stall next to me, Braian. Within weeks we became partners in both life and business!

Farewell to nan's kitchen bench
The interest and support we received in those early days at the markets was overwhelming. We moved our juice production from my nan's kitchen bench (cheers for the help and many post-production wines, nan!) to our first commercial space.

The ups and downs
The next few years were a rollercoaster of some of the best and toughest of our lives, as many other business owners would have experienced. Keeping up with orders was a constant challenge and more often than not our production shifts would start at 6am one day and unintentionally finish at dawn the following day. We tirelessly overcame each challenge thrown our way and slowly Allie's found its way into fridges and onto menus across the country.

Fast forward to today
We now proudly supply many of Australia's most iconic eateries and hotels. We've come a long way since those early days at the markets but our passion to make products of uncompromising quality has never changed. We are grateful for every client we serve and we strive to make our company synonymous with friendly customer service.
Alexandra Szwarcberg-Poch